How our customers use slices

Where we add value

Multi-technology, multi-domain network slicing for applications



Enterprises need a solution to connect application endpoints in a reliable and secure way for multiple use cases with different quality of service requirements.

A network slice is a virtual, or overlay, network – i.e. it is an isolated subset of a network topology providing some of the network resources and creating secure, connectivity with a specified quality of service.

Network slices are provisioned based on the specific network performance characteristics required by an application or use case. Network slices are increasingly important for enterprises because they provide a way to customize and optimize network resources to meet the specific needs of each application or group of applications:

  • With network slices that are optimized for specific applications, enterprises can avoid over-provisioning resources and wasting valuable network capacity. This can result in significant cost savings, as resources are allocated more efficiently and effectively.
  • Cost savings can be made whilst still providing high-quality service to users and ensuring that critical applications receive the resources they need to perform optimally.
  • Network slices can be scaled up or down providing enterprises with the ability to rapidly respond to changes in demand or user requirements. This can help enterprises to avoid network congestion and ensure that applications are always available and responsive to users.
  • Additionally, network slices can be isolated from each other, providing an additional layer of security for enterprise applications and data. Each slice can have its own security policies and controls, ensuring that sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access or attacks.

5G slices

Mobile Network Operators

5G network slicing is a technology that allows mobile network operators to partition a single physical network into multiple virtual networks, or “slices.” A 5G network slice span across multiple network operator domains – radio access network (RAN), core network, and transport network.

With 5G network slicing, network operators can offer more flexible and dynamic services to their customers, with greater control over the performance and quality of service. It enables them to optimize network resources and deliver services that are tailored to the specific needs of each customer, while also ensuring that other customers are not impacted.

For example, a network operator could create a low-latency, high-bandwidth slice optimized for streaming video, a high-reliability slice for mission-critical applications such as remote surgery, and a low-power, low-data-rate slice for internet-of-things (IoT) devices.

Overall, 5G network slicing allows network operators to provide more tailored, efficient, and cost-effective services to their customers.